
Fireworks show

AC Pocket Camp Top Story
Gardening is available now!
update 26/03/2017
Note: This page is based on an assumption referencing Animal Crossing: New Leaf since the Animal Crossing mobile game is not released yet. Will be updated once the game gets available!
DateEvery Sunday in August
Time7pm - 0am
LocationThe plaza of your town

Every Sunday in August from 7:00PM till midnight, fireworks will appear in the sky. You can purchase sparkler for 120 Bells in Nookling store. Isabelle will be in your town plaza hosting the event. Talk to her and she’ll give you boppers and fountain fireworks. Crazy Redd is present selling cookie with a price ticket for 500 Bells each.

Items from Isabelle

Isabelle will hand you a bopper. Its a cute headgear you can wear even after the show.

Prizes for Redd's Cookie

In order for you to obtain these items, you'll need to pay 500 Bells to Redd for a piece of cookie with prize ticket. You have to exchange the ticket within the time period only. Prizes are random. You might get the same item for each cookie.

lovely phone
lovely phone
Flash Ticket
boxed figurine
boxed figurine
Bang Ticket
miniature car
miniature car
Sparkle Ticket
ten billion barrel
ten billion barrel
Whiz Ticket
love tester
love tester
Pow Ticket
ultra hand
ultra hand
Crackle Ticket
ultra scope
ultra scope
Kaboom Ticket
ultra machine
ultra machine
Pop Ticket


Before the show commences, you can customize the fireworks by submitting a custom design to the Able Sisters.


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