
Best town layouts

AC Pocket Camp Top Story
Gardening is available now!
update 19/03/2017
Since Animal Crossing mobile is not available yet, how to choose your town in Animal Crossing: New Leaf is mentioned here as a reference.

In the Animal Crossing games, players are able to pick their favorite map layouts. Some of them are particular about the their town layouts and restart the game until they get ideal town layouts since those layouts are randomly generated at the beginning of the game.

How to pick a town layout

In Animal Crossing: New Leaf, you are asked to choose one town layout from four of them that Rover shows you once you decide your name → Tips for naming in Animal Crossing mobile.


Villager houses

Town Hall



Train Station

Example maps

Changes of your town

As you make progress in the game, your town will have more facilities, villagers, and their houses.

What are the best town layouts?

There is no general condition for the best town to be honest. Everyone has his/her own view of town layouts. If you however want to take others' opinion into consideration, see the followings:

  • Re-Tail locates nearby the center of the town at the best, since it is a place players visit most frequently.
  • A town with villagers' houses locate close to each other is better than that with villagers' houses scattered about. That lets you easily visit villagers' houses.


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